Vallejo Gantner

Vallejo and Ned Scott were fast friends in the late 1930’s and into the ’40’s.  Vallejo was the creative director at Gantner and Mattern, a swimsuit and clothing manufacturer located in San Francisco.  Through Vallejo’s auspices, Ned Scott secured the position of advertising photographer for the company, a job which lasted from 1937 through ’42.  During that time, Ned Scott created very engaging photographs of swimsuit models of the day, featuring fashionable suit lines from the company.  These images appeared in the trendy magazines of the day.  Vallejo became Godfather to Ned Scott’s two children.  He was descended from the last Spanish Governor of California, hence the first name “Vallejo”.  For a complete depiction of that body of commercial photography (which includes original business correspondence), please see San Francisco/Gantner and Mattern.

Vallejo GantnerVallejo Gantner