Spellbound, a David O. Selznick produced film, features film noir characteristics based on psychological tension. Salvador Dali served as technical advisor for certain scenes which supported the theme of discord and chaos. Research to date indicates that this film was the only Hitchcock Directed film which Ned Scott photographed with his still cameras. The date was 1945. Some of the most gripping images of Ingrid Bergman emerge from this effort. During the course of studio filming, Bergman visited Ned Scott’s home in La Canada for a shooting session, chiefly portraiture. Different locations within Ned Scott’s house were used for this session. The proofs from this photo session were printed in 11 x 14 format and they were given to the producer David O. Selznick, producer of the film Spellbound. It is a phenomenon of our internet age that these proofs re-emerged for sale through the eBay forum. These sales have been tracked and noted in the Archive. Some of the proofs brought large sums of money. |