Paulette Goddard

Paulette Goddard Pics.These Paulette Goddard pics were taken by Ned Scott during filming of Pot O Gold in 1941.  Many of these color images Ned Scott printed in 14 x 17 Carbro form for his own personal collection.Paulette Goddard pics show a dark haired, vivacious beauty. Paulette (1910 – 1990) was born in Whitestone, Long Island, New York. Born Marion Levy, her parents divorced when she was very young. When her mother remarried, Marion, her mother and stepfather moved to Great Neck, Long Island. While in Great Neck she met the great stage impresario Florenz Ziegfeld, who was staying with her granduncle Charles Goddard. Impressed with the young woman, Ziegfeld offered her a part in his musical Rio Rita in 1927. It was after this that she changed her name to Paulette Goddard. Her star ascended quickly after this; Paulette went to Hollywood and appeared in Hal Roach comedies and in Eddie Cantor’s Kid from Spain. When she met Charlie Chaplin in 1932 she cleverly showed him clips from her films, as he was looking for a fresh face to star opposite him in Modern Times.

Chaplin was so taken with Paulette that he not only put her in the film, but allegedly married her in 1936. Both chose to hide the exact nature of the relationship. Whether legal or not, the relationship only lasted till 1942.

Paulette went on to make several more films without Chaplin, including The Young in Heart, Dramatic School, and the hit film The Women. Paulette was even considered, among many other actresses, for the role of Scarlett OíHara. Of course, she and everyone else lost to the British born Vivien Leigh. Later, she starred with Bob Hope in The Cat and The Canary and finally paired up with Chaplin again in The Great Dictator. She was nominated for Best Supporting Actress for the film So Proudly We Hail, but lost to Katina Paxinou for “For Whom the Bell Tolls“. Her last role was in the TV movie The Snoop Sisters in 1972.

Paulette met the actor Burgess Meredith on the set of the film Second Chorus and married him in 1944. This marriage lasted until 1950. Her fourth marriage — sheíd had a youthful, short lived marriage around the time of Rio Rita — was to the novelist Erich Maria Remarque, writer of All Quiet on the Western Front. This marriage lasted until he died in 1970. Paulette had no biological children.

Paulette did well for herself and was a wealthy woman when she died, possibly of emphysema, in Ronco sopra Ascona, Switzerland, on April 23, 1990.

New Paulette Goddard pics by Ned Scott will be added to the gallery as they are unearthed, we hope you enjoy those that are here.

Paulette Goddard Pics: This portrait of Paulette Goddard supported her role as Molly McCorkle in Director George Marshall's romantic comedy 'Pot O' Gold, 1941. Paulette Goddard and Producer James Roosevelt Paulette Goddard pics: An on-set photograph of action at a domestic dust-up with Paulette's character, Molly McKorkle giving Jimmy Stewart's charcater, Jimmy Haskell the business with the soda spritzer. Looking on with surprise is Charlie Arnt who plays Parks, the butler. James Roosevelt's romantic comedy, Pot O' Gold, 1941. Photos of Jimmy Stewart Paulette Goddard poses for Pot'O' Gold. A postrait of Paulette Goddard to support her role as Molly McKorkle, a young and beautiful Irish girl. Molly crosses paths with Jimmy Haskel, a down and out musician who has just failed in a music business. Things get complicated when Jimmy starts work for his cranky uncle, C.J. Haskel (Charles Winninger) who owns a health food business and hates music. Molly's family runs an in-house band that needs a little help. Jimmy finds it irresistable to do his best to help Molly's family, thereby improving his chances with the pretty Irish girl. Director George Marshall's romantic, musical comedy, "Pot O' Gold". 1941

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