The nursing shortage during WWII was acute. The United States was fighing a war on two fronts in far flung areas of the globe. Millions of men were engaged in combat. By 1943, it was apparent to everyone that more nurses were immediately needed to care for wounded G.I.’s. The Bolton Act of Juy 1, 1943 helped solve that problem by creating the Cadet Nurse Corps. The act allowed accredited nursing schools in the U.S. to accellerate their training programs so that graduating nurses would be immediately available for transfer to combat areas. Incoming candidates in their schools would receive free tuition and paid expenes, and in return these students would be required to serve in their communities as nurse substitutes until the war ended. These students were called Cadet Nurses.
This program was highlighted on the set of The Story of G.I. Joe during filming in the Fall of 1944. Cadet Nurse Beulah Tyler was assigned to the production to represent the importance of the program to the U.S. Army. Ned Scott had the opportunity to photograph her in her official Cadet Nurse uniform in a number of poses and situations. She was a favorite of the combat veterans from the 34th Infantry Division who roamed the set in various film roles.
Beulah Tyler is surrounded by admiring combat vets Corporal Pappy Nowlen, Pvt. Charles Rozell and Pvt. Fred Ross on the set of Story of G.I. Joe.