Letter dated Sept. 1, 1935 Ned Scott to Gladys von Ettinghausen
from the Jay Six Cattle Company, Benson, Arizona

Sept. 1, 1935

Gladys Darling—

It is one of those nights—I just couldn’t sleep—and so here I am with you again—I am so often with you—you so seldom know it—it is so horribly lonely here—mentally alone—and I am so fed up with this stagnation—petrification—waiting—waiting for what?—and no word from you dear—I was hoping Saturday would bring a letter for Sunday and Labor Day there is no postman—and your sweet letters help so to make this time pass more quickly—it drags so horribly sometimes—Oh, how I wish I were near Landfair Avenue right now—to see you—that last vision still remains so distinct as the last beautiful evening we were together and I so rudely swept out of your comfort—your sweetness—your beauty—But it is the only way to go—when one must—I wonder if such joys and happiness must always be but moments—fleeting moments that remain but memories—to me—yours have been so utterly vivid and red—

On Tuesday Peggy Bok and her managerie make their way East—Henwar leaves the same day for Hollywood—Wednesday I trek down to Benson to hold Ellen’s hand and to shoot some pictures for advertising purposes—and incidentally for my board—I have found Jack Spieden quite scotch at times so I feel something must be done while I am there—I have been invited to come and stay indefinitely—you have been invited several times too but I cannot yet tell whether you would like it or not—I wonder—you say you would but you don’t know—never having been where one is always in such close contact with the earth—Personally—I don’t think I much care for it—bulls are not nearly as fascinating to me as they seem to be to Jack!—and furthermore—Jack is known as quite a ladies man!—would you care to come out?—But seriously—if you could take a vacation why not jump on the train as soon as possible and stay with us till I go back to Hollywood—probably around Oct. 1—it’s an idea—one that I would only dare to dream of—but dreams do come true sometimes. You might like it—you know—it’s a swell time of year right now—the country is too beautiful—as regards comforts—you might have to sleep on an army cot for awhile—both Ellen’s and Jack’s furniture is supposed to be on its way from the East. Oh—it would be swell if you but could—Also—it’s quite possible that we might have one of the little shacks to ourselves—I don’t quite know what the situation is there now—if you are interested darling—I shall enlarge on this as soon as I get back to the ranch—

Hell—I’m all pepped up now—I was so low at the beginning of this stupid letter—-must rush down and mail it now—I feel rather like a drive anyway—-and a terrific storm seems to be brewing above and I love storms—

Do write soon my love—I just cannot bear this isolation—I was not made to be a monk dammit!—

All my love darling


P.S. Write me to the ranch Jay Six Cattle Company, Benson Arizona—you better come out darling and save me from a life of wrangling—bulls—Jesus!


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